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I'm a property or workplace manager
Getting started
Best practices for managing food deliveries
How it Works
Cleaning & Maintenance
Communication Templates
I'm a foodservice operator
Setup & Connectivity
Cleaning & Maintenance
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I'm a property or workplace manager
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Getting started
How it works
I'm a property or workplace manager
Getting started
Best practices for managing food deliveries
How it Works
Cleaning & Maintenance
Communication Templates
I'm a foodservice operator
Setup & Connectivity
Cleaning & Maintenance
I'm a property or workplace manager
I manage a Pickup Pod for a workplace, office building, or multi-family residential building
Email template: food delivery reminder for office buildings
Getting started
How to add additional users to your Minnow Admin Account
X Series Minnow Pod Operating Manual
How to deliver and pick up from a Minnow Pod
What are the location requirements for a Minnow Pod?
Video: Minnow Pod Arrival
Video: De-Crating the Minnow Pod
Video: Lily Pad Setup
Video: Kiosk Stand Assembly
Video: Wall Mount Setup
Video: Wall Mount - Leveling
Kiosk Stand Installation Instructions
X Series Lily Pad Installation Instructions
Q Series: Installing the floor plate to my Minnow Pod
Q Series: Turning on and Activating Your Minnow Pod
Q Series: Manually Adjusting Your Minnow Pod Cubby Hinges
Q Series: Wall Mounting Your Minnow Pod
See more
Best practices for managing food deliveries
Recommended Minnow Pod Placement
Establishing a written food delivery policy
Training the property team how to use the Minnow Pod
Educate your tenants
Help food delivery workers find your Pickup Pod
Keep your Pickup Pod clean
See more
How it Works
How do I find my 4-digit access code
How to use the Minnow Admin Dashboard
How much time do users have to pick up their food?
How to Clear Expired Deliveries
What happens if a food delivery can't fit in the pod?
In the dashboard, what does it mean when a cubby is red?
What happens if the pod is full?
In the dashboard, what does it mean when a cubby is yellow?
How do I change the phone number or email associated with my pod operator account?
In the dashboard, what does it mean when a cubby is green?
Managing Secure Pickup Profiles at Your Building
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Cleaning & Maintenance
How often do I need to clean the pod?
How do I clean the Minnow Pod?
How to power cycle your X Series Minnow Pod
How do I open all of the cubbies at the same time?
How do I open all of the cubbies manually on my X Series Minnow Pod?
What happens if there’s a connectivity problem?
Rebooting Your X Series Minnow Pod
How To Manually Open Your X Series Minnow Pod
Q Series: How to Manually Open all Cubbies
See more
How do I get a Pickup Pod for my building?
How much space do I need for a Pickup Pod?
Are Pickup Pods available outside of the United States?
Can I put a Pickup Pod outside?
Can we add our own branding to a Pickup Pod?
Are Pickup Pods NSF-certified?
Power Location Details
Is my Pickup Pod refrigerated?
Can I get a larger pod?
Can two or more pods be used together at the same location?
See more
Communication Templates
Email template: food delivery reminder for multifamily properties
Minnow Overview for Tenants
Email template: Secure Pickup is now available for multifamily properties
Email Template: Notifying Delivery Companies of Updated Delivery Policy
Food Delivery Policy template
Email template: Our new food delivery amenity is coming soon!
Email template: Our new food delivery amenity is now available!
Staff Quick Start Guide
Email template: Secure Pickup is now available for office buildings
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Lobby Signage Template
Wayfinding Signage Template: Straight Arrow
Wayfinding Signage Template: Left Arrow
Wayfinding Signage Template: Right Arrow